No, that's not a mistype on the title...I meant to write 2009. (Although writing 2010 sometimes is beyond my belief! A date like that still seems a little too futuristic to me.) Yet, here we are: January 27, 2010!
What is unbelievable about that date? Well it could be that Jane Fonda underwent arthroscopic surgery on her right knee in 1992. Or it could be that the World's longest subaqueous tunnel was opened in Honshu-Hokkaid in 1983. ( But who really cares about that? The date is significant to us because one year ago today we arrived in Hlinsko! One year ago! It seems to have flown by in the blink of an eye!
As they say, a picture says a thousand words. So here are some pictures to celebrate our first year in Czech. They are in reverse however beginning with Christmas 2009.
Our church celebrates God's provision to make a very large mortgage payment on the church building!

We say Merry Christmas to Jody's family over skype.

Rachael celebrates Christmas with her students.

The missionary team preforms the Thanksgiving story for the ESL students.

Grace's 4th birthday!

Rachael and Karna celebrate their birthdays together.

Hannah turns 5!

Jody's cousin Bethany spends the summer in Czech working at the YFC Conference Centre and being an incredible 'nanny' to our kids!

Jody turns 35!

The awesome youth we work with...Unified.

Our family visits with Rachael's students who are bee-keepers. Hannah gets to wear the bee-keeper outfit and get an upclose view of the hives.

Our friend Shelley comes for an encouraging visit.

Beautiful Spring in Czech.

Rachael teaching.

Making friends:)

Growing up in Hlinsko!

Jody's first goal with the Skulls hockey team.

One of our first family photos in Czech.

Here's to many more years in Czech!