Thursday, November 27, 2008

SOS Canada news

We are really excited to see God's provision unfold during this whole transition and journey to live in Czech. A couple updates...

When we began to see how God was leading us to move to Czech, one concern was the yearly hockey trips that we have led to Hlinsko, and our inability to organize and lead them if we were not living in Canada. From the beginning, God had prepared someone to take over the trips. Dan and Faith Grace have taken over the role of Director of SOS Canada! This is exciting for us because the Graces' have a big heart for ministry in Hlinsko and we know that we are leaving things in better hands than before! We look forward to seeing how God uses them in SOS Canada and also look forward to ministering with them in Czech every February!

Another concern has been the length of time that SOS Canada has waited to receive tax-exemption status. Obviously this affects us being able to offer tax receipts to our supporters. Please continue to pray as we have reason to believe that our status may be approved in the next three weeks! This is nothing short of miraculous timing on God's part...and has been quite the faith journey for us as well. It is interesting because many times we felt as though we were supposed to wait, just wait and not really begin support raising. Just a couple weeks ago we felt God prompt us to begin...and soon after we received this news! We will continue to pray, and ask that you do as well. But after three years of trying to get this status, and being denied many times, we, Lord willing, will finally be able to offer tax receipts to supporters!

We are heading to Pennsylvania to spend Thanksgiving weekend with my (Rachael) family. This will most likely be the last time we are able to get to PA before our move to Czech. Well, I better get packing!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cabbits, Squnks and Goodbyes

I (Rachael) just came back from an evening with a wonderful group of ladies from my church/town. It was a surprise-goodbye party for me, and at this moment I still feel a warm glow from the blessing of friendship...and also the wine. I can say, that tomorrow at church I may still be laughing as I mull over various conversation pieces...cabbits and squnks...very surprising.

Part of this journey to Czech is saying goodbye and looking back on what was; I understand that and am prepared for it. But what surprises me is nostalgically trying to look forward at what might have been, and mourning the loss of it. As I interact with friends made in Wingham over the last 18 months I find myself thinking... "Our kids would have gone to school together." Or, "They will keep shopping at the Gift Chest, and I won't be here to help them pick their next book!"... "Who will live in this house next?...I hope they enjoy my Japanese Bon Bon shrub!" ..."Will they have kids who play with the Pittocks?" Or even upcoming events in the church bulletin that I won't be here for... I am surprised at how God can sew your heart together with others in such a short amount of time...surprised, but thankful.

I am thankful tonight. Thankful for the opportunity to love and be loved.

I am sad tonight. Sad that the circumstances by which to love and be loved by these people will change.

I am thankful tonight. Thankful that although Czech is far away, it is not too far to continue to love.

I supposed that as we continue this journey there will be surprises aplenty. Blessings, trials, sadness and name a few.

Tonight was one of those nights that I will look back on and still feel the warm glow...and it won't be from the wine.

Friday, November 21, 2008

First Official Newsletter

Well, here it is...our newsletter in jpeg form...thank you Steve! You will have to click on it to read it. Enjoy!

Was packing today...two boxes only...well, Rome wasn't built in a day...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

An Exciting First

So, this is neat. Our first post on our first blog. we have arrived in the 21st century.
Anyways...we created this as a way for people interested in our ministry to stay involved on a more day to day basis (or however often we manage to post blogs). I am going to try to figure out how to post a pdf on here (if that is possible) so that our newsletter will be accessible.
As is it too late for me to be up I am not going to try to say anything eloquent and save that for another day.