Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year...Kleenex alert!

Wow, the last week is a bit blurry for me, but I think we have passed Christmas and at some point we have entered 2009. It has been awhile since we have posted anything so I just wanted to give an update on how we are doing. We have survived our move!!! Right now, any belongings that we are not taking to Czech are in a storage unit and the ones we are taking are currently overflowing Jody's parent's basement.

I cannot tell you that our spirits are high and that we are full of energy. The past three days have been some of the most difficult of our lives. Saying goodbye to things, was an emotional ride. Not because of materialism, but because of memories. Especially as a home maker, our things were props in the stage of my life. For the past six and a half years I have cooked, cleaned, cried, sang, danced, and loved around these possessions. (Right now Jody is upstairs singing "Leaving on a Jet Plane", how appropriate!) And I am reminded of my this moment they are two little girls and one big kid of a man sitting upstairs eating French Toast. No matter where we are, the props in my life will look different, but the purpose remains the same...Mother, Wife and Servant of the King.

In 25 days we will be getting on an airplane and moving to the Czech Republic; if the Lord wills. I am sure the next three weeks will be full of joy and sadness. But as Jody reminded me last night, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus." Hebrews 12:2 Pray for us that we will not lose sight of Christ.

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord you are past all of that. Glad you are at Joe and Ruth's safe. Happy New Year kids we love you very much! Dad&Mom♥XO

Anonymous said...

There will be MANY more memories to be made. You're going to look back at your time in CZ with a same fondness in a few years. You'll marvel at how God got you through it in the good, joyous times and the difficult, character-building times. It's one wild ride, but definitely worth it. :)