Friday, May 29, 2009

Yellow Fields and a Bird

The other day I was praying with Nela, one of the youth in our youth group and we saw this bird fly out from the bushes and in front of us. I was intrigued by it and wanted to know what kind of bird it was, but couldn't find information about it. Our friend from Canada was here visiting and when we were in St. Barbara's Cathedral she pointed out to us this bird that is used as a symbol of Christ (she knew nothing about my seeing the bird before). It is used as a symbol of Christ because it gives up it's life for it's young. Since then I have seen the bird again twice and I feel as though it is very meaningful for the youth here. I believe that God is reaffirming His heart for the youth here. Telling us that He did give up His life for His young...and it is His desire to reach them all! Seeing this bird is a repeated reminder that He is here and He is at work!

And much less symbolic and are the beautiful yellow fields that dot the Czech countryside in spring. I just love them!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

will that field still be yellow in October?