Now, having never taken my own children to school, I had no idea what to expect. Would they scream and cry? Would they not let go of my ankles and kick up a terrible fuss? What a surprise and relief to see them so bravely walk into a room of complete strangers who don't speak their language, and jump right into things. It was a blessing to know they were happy, safe and enjoying themselves. All day, I kept picturing them in their classrooms, playing and making friends. Around 10:00 am their classes go outside for playtime. I knew they would be outside and I couldn't stand it...I had to know how they were doing. So, (yes I am ashamed to admit it) we slowly drove by the school to see if we could spot them playing outside. I can't tell you the joy it gave me to see my kids playing happily at school with other children! It was like a gift!
Another benefit of sending your kids to school is time. After taking the kids to school, Jody and I decided to 'celebrate' by going out for coffee together. We had been sitting together for a little while talking when an elderly couple sat down at a table beside us. It struck me right away how different our stages of life were. From first glance, I saw that they enjoy the freedom of eating dessert for breakfast, something that guilt still does not let me do. However, I hope one day when I am also wearing orthopaedics, that dessert for breakfast will be a nice bonus. Aside from the age appropriate shoes and their cuisine choice, I thought about how this couple didn't take their children to school today. In fact, it probably has been about 35 years since they took their first child to school. The fact that it was the first day of school in Hlinsko probably had no impact on their life. For them, it was just life as usual: wake up together, head to the grocery store together, do some errands together, have breakfast together, etc... As Jody and I were enjoying our chlebiček, coffee and friendship it struck me that time together builds friendship. It's not that I never realized this before, because I have. It's simply that in the busyness of life, it's easy to forget, and I am thankful for the reminder!
In thirty years, on the first day of school, I hope we are having dessert for breakfast together!
Looking back on the week, the girls ended up doing really well. I think there will continue to be adjustments for awhile yet, but that is to be expected. There did end up being tears on a couple of occasions, but they were short lived. And it was even amazing to hear them come home speaking more Czech even after the first week!
Pray for Hannah and Grace, that they would know above all, they are not alone at school. Pray that they would know the ever-present, presence of Jesus, and His peace.
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